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From The Head Girl 2016-2017 Dulvina Fernandes

Salutations to you all! My coming to St. Mary's Secondary School was pivotal in my life. It is in this school that I was made to believe in myself. The duty of a head girl requires discipline , order, resilience, hard work and commitment. I want to thank the teachers who saw such potential in me and entrusted me with that duty. 


I have realized that one has room to grow. I have since learned that life is not about what could have been done, but what one can do now. St Mary's offers me an opportunity to grow out of my mistakes and become somebody. Whether it is in sports, singing, dancing or acting, St Mary's offers you an opportunity to follow your passion and in future contribute to the wider community. Among many other ways, I enjoy using the pen in the writer's club to speak for the voiceless.


I have witnessed teachers forming students to boys and girls of character. Boys and girls full of confidence and resilience. I thank everyone who is in the St Mary's family. As head girl I will do my best to keep this fire burning. 

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Young Writers Club

From The Head boy 2016-2017 Golden Chindegu


Greetings! Looking back at my arrival at St Mary's, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I didn't imagine that i could unleash so much potential in me. I am speechless when asked to describe my stay at St. Mary's. I take pride in my school because it is here that i am formed to be who I am and it is here i will discover more about myself. 


My school is not as fancy as those schools established long ago, but i love my school and am proud of the pace at which it is developing. The atmosphere here is homely and it is possible to know everyone's name and teachers offer us individual attention which is the reason why my school is the best.


One of the secrets of success in our school is a good relationship teachers have with us as students. They do not only teach us but they guide us spiritually and emotionally such that we are obliged to respect them as we would our parents. Our teachers are very creating and hardworking and go into great pains to produce the best out of us. The trend of results are a proof of this. 


Being elected as Head Boy has challenged me to grow. Teamwork, ability to delegate duties, managing time, working under pressure and ensure the smooth running of the day to day life at St Mary's are some of the qualities I am learning to develop. With the help and support of everyone, I aim to take my school far. As a member of this club, i enjoy writing because I believe the pen is mightier than the sword.


Success(Amnesty Gundwana: Form 2)

Success is an outcome of knowledge. Without knowledge, there is no success. We must however take note that Rome was not built in a day. It took time until the desired outcome was met...

St. Mary's: The School of my choice


Here comes the bride,

All dressed in rights,
St Mary's, the paradise of education
Where all is peaceful.

My heart skips a bit as l enter this yard,
A school  where the chanting of birds is melodious.

Where you are raised from grass to grace,

from nobody to somebody.

Yes that's St Mary's the school of my choice

If you want achieve the goal of success 
Or to unfold your ambitions,
Engage in this war to fight for success.

Education has no boundaries, regardless of our races or differences we are all humans

As we are made to realize at the school of my choice

As St Mary's we believe that, the discovery of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom.

That's why our dedicated teachers work day and night for our success.

St Mary's, is indeed the school of my choice.

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